
Split to Dubrovnik Catamaran 2024

As we’re at the time of year that the Dalmatian coastal catamarans – those that operate from Split to Dubrovnik and Dubrovnik to Split – start operating, I thought I’d give a little round-up of those such services. I know they’re certainly popular with travellers! In this post, you’ll find timetables for all the Split to Dubrovnik catamaran services operating in 2024.

TP Line has just started its Split to Dubrovnik catamaran service

As of last Friday, 26th April 2024, TP Line has started operating its coastal catamaran which runs from Split to Milna on the island of Brac, Hvar Town, Korcula Town, Pomena on the island of Mljet and Dubrovnik. (And does the return journey too, of course!)

Split to Dubrovnik catamaran
Credit: TP Line

This is a service that departs Split in the morning, meaning you can make it to Dubrovnik for the mid-afternoon. For the reverse journey, you leave Dubrovnik in the mid-afternoon and arrive in Split just in time for dinner.

The timetable for this service in both directions is shown below:

SplitMilna (Brac)HvarKorculaPomena (Mljet)Dubrovnik
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
9.15am9.45am | 9.50am10.30am | 10.45am12.10pm | 12.20pm1pm | 1.05pm2.35pm
Service runs from 26th April to 27th September 2024
DubrovnikPomena (Mljet)KorculaHvarMilna (Brac)Split
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
3.15pm4.45pm | 4.50pm5,30pm | 5.40pm6.55pm | 7.10pm7.50pm | 7.55pm8.30pm
Service runs from 26th April to 27th September 2024

Tickets cost €48 for adults or €24 for children aged 3 to 12 whilst children under the age of 3 travel free. These prices are for the full Split to Dubrovnik or Dubrovnik to Split portion of the journey as well as for Milna – Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik – Milna and Hvar – Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik – Hvar. Other prices apply for the other portions; you can see these on the TP Line website where you can also buy tickets.

TP Line also operate several other catamaran routes along the Croatian coast include Dubrovnik – Sobra (Mljet) – Korcula – Ubli (Lastovo) and Dubrovnik – Sipan – Sobra (Mljet) – Polace (Mljet) – Korcula – Ubli (Lastovo).

Kapetan Luka’s service has already been running for a month

Kapetan Luka operate two popular Split to Dubrovnik catamaran services, and their most popular one has already been operating daily for the past month!

Kapetan Luka catamaran
A Kapetan Luka catamaran sails past Korcula

Their services also runs from Split to Milna on the island of Brac, Hvar Town, Korcula Town, Pomena on the island of Mljet and Dubrovnik. The timetable is shown below:

SplitMilna (Brac)HvarKorculaPomena (Mljet)Dubrovnik
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
8.00am8.25am | 8.30am9.00am | 9.10am10.20am | 10.30am11.05am | 11.10am12.35pm
Service runs from 1st April to 31st October 2024
DubrovnikPomena (Mljet)KorculaHvarMilna (Brac)Split
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
3.00pm4.20pm | 4.25pm5.00pm | 5.10pm6.30pm | 6.40pm7.15pm | 7.20pm7.45pm
Service runs from 1st April to 31st October 2024

As you can see, you can use this service from Kapetan Luka to make the journey from Split to Dubrovnik in time for lunch, with plenty of time for exploring in the afternoon.

This catamaran costs €50 for adults for the full Split to Dubrovnik or Dubrovnik to Split portion as well as for Milna – Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik – Milna and Hvar – Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik – Hvar. Other prices apply for the other legs of the journey.

The same company also have another Split to Dubrovnik catamaran that starts operating for the year in June. This service runs from SplitBolMakarksaKorcula Town – Pomena on the island of MljetDubrovnik. You can see the timetable below:

SplitBol (Brac)MakarskaKorculaPomena (Mljet)Dubrovnik
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
8.45am9.35am | 9.45am10.20am | 10.30am11.40am | 11.50am12.20pm | 12.30pm2.05pm
Service runs from 10th June to 22nd September 2024
DubrovnikPomena (Mljet)KorculaMakarskaBol (Brac)Split
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
3.05pm5.00pm | 5.10pm5.50pm | 6.00pm7.15pm | 7.25pm8.00pm | 8.10pm9.10pm
Service runs from 10th June to 22nd September 2024

Tickets for Kapetan Luka‘s coastal routes can be purchased on their website.

Jadrolinija’s Split to Dubrovnik catamaran starts in June

The main ferry and catamaran company in Croatia, Jadrolinija, of course also have a Split to Dubrovnik catamaran. However, their service only starts in June, running for the peak summer months. For completeness, I thought I would also add it here so you can get your Split to Dubrovnik catamaran info all on one page!

Split to Dubrovnik catamaran - Jelena
Credit: Jadrolinija

This is certainly a popular route as it connects some of the top destinations in Croatia: SplitBolHvar TownKorcula TownDubrovnik. This service travels from Split to Dubrovnik in the afternoon/evening, and from Dubrovnik to Split in the morning. That means lunch on the Riva in Split!

You can see the timetable below:

SplitBol (Brac)Hvar TownKorcula TownDubrovnik
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
3.30pm4.30pm | 4.45pm5.35pm | 5.55pm7.10pm | 7.25pm9.25pm
Service runs from 7th June to 22nd September 2024
DubrovnikKorcula TownHvar TownBol (Brac)Split
Daydeparturearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival | departurearrival
Monday – Sunday
7.00am9.00am | 9.15am10.30am | 10.50am11.40am | 11.55am12.55pm
Service runs from 7th June to 22nd September 2024

Adult tickets cost €45 for Split to Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik to Split as well as Hvar to Dubrovnik/Dubrovnik to Hvar. Other prices apply to the other legs of the journey.

You can buy tickets on the Jadrolinija website.

What’s all this talk of catamarans? What about the ferry?

There is no longer a slow ferry between Split and Dubrovnik, one that would be able to take cars as well as passengers. This was a service run by Jadrolinija in the past – for decades, in fact – although it hasn’t operated for almost ten years now and was being run at a loss towards the end of its time. Actually a coastal service that originated Rijeka, I’m sure this would be welcomed by many travellers these days. But, suffice to say, there is no coastal ferry service between Split and Dubrovnik.

If you have a car, you will need to drive down or up the coastline!

Spotlight on: Diocletian’s Palace, Split

One of the most famed sights in Croatia, the Diocletian’s Palace area in Split is also one of the most historic sights you may visit on your travels. It is an absolute must-see and contains many individually interesting elements to explore. The whole area, right at the very core of the city, is also a thoroughly enjoyable part of Split with numerous cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and more. You’ll be strolling around taking in a whole tonne of history whilst also getting so much of what Split has to offer.

The “Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian” was declared a UNESCO World Heritage in 1979. (It was one of Croatia’s first; Dubrovnik’s Old Town and the Plitvice Lakes were also added to the list in the same year.)

Diocletian's Palace

About Diocletian’s Palace and History

If you don’t yet know much about Diocletian’s Palace, you might consider Dioletina’s retirement home to be like any typical European palace structure. In your head, you may be considering an extremely large and ornate building, perhaps set in large, highly manicured grounds and full of rather ostentatious furniture.

Diocletian’s Palace is nothing like that! (At least not today; the palace may well have had some of these components all those many centuries ago.)

The palace was built as a retirement home (yes, really) for Roman Emperor Diocletian who was born in Salona (now present-day Solin) sometime between the years 242 to 245. He retired from Emperor life in the year 305 and lived in the palace until his death in 311. Work on constructing the palace is though to have begun in the year 295 with materials from local sources used – particularly white limestone from Brac and bricks made locally. You can see below what the structure would have looked like around the time of its competition – you can see that the palace did indeed stretch all the way out to the sea.

Diocletian's Palace (original appearance)

Diocletian’s Palace. (2024, February 8). In Wikipedia.

The Palace was built in a rectangular shape of roughly 215 metres by 180 metres. There were towers at each corner of the Palace and octagonal towers framing each entrance into the Palace. The area of the structure was divided into four with two main “streets” within. The southern gate would have been the Emperor’s main entry into the Palace by sea and, indeed, the southern part of the Palace would have contained his residence whilst the northern part would have contained quarters for servants and guards.

After Diocletian’s death, the Palace continued to be used by members of the emperor’s family. It rose in importance again in the 7th century when Salona (Solin), once the capital of Dalmatia and a large (for that time) city was destroyed by an invasion by the Slavs that had by now reached this area. Some of the previous inhabitants of Salona sought shelter and refuge in the large Palace area, and Palace life – now city life – began to resume. In the many years since citizens have continuously lived within what is deemed to be the Palace area and adapted its use multiple times.

Getting There

The Diocletian’s Palace area is just by the Riva, the main harbourfront in Split. It is a short walk from the main bus and train stations and port in the city (which are all adjacent to each other), about 10 minutes.

Should you be travelling from further afield in Split, there are numerous local bus lines that stop near the Palace. You can check out Split’s bus network on the Promet Split website.

What to See and Do at Diocletian’s Palace

You really could get lost whilst wandering the streets of the Palace…but try not to! In all seriousness, the best way of seeing the Palace is to go back and forth through its many little streets taking in all the many sights and experiences. Below are some of the main things to look out for and see.


As you approach the Palace area, you’ll no doubt enter through to the main part via one of the gates. As we’ve mentioned, the southern gate – the Brass Gate – would have once been the main entrance from the sea and is the smallest of all the gates. Today, this gate allows you entry from the Riva. On the eastern side is the Silver Gate which was reconstructed in 1952 after Dusica Church was destroyed during World War II; the gate had become part of the Church during its construction.

On the northern side, right by the large Grgur Ninski (Gregory of Nin) statue is the Golden Gate (Zlatna vrata) which would have faced the direction of Salona and would have been the main entrance into the Palace.

Golden Gate (Zlatna vrata), Split
Golden Gate / Zlatna vrata

On the eastern side is the Iron Gate which is the only gate of the four that has seen continuous use since it was first constructed.

The Cathedral of Saint Domnius and Belltower

The octagonally-shaped Cathedral of St Domnius (Katedrala Svetog Duje in Croatian) is the oldest Catholic cathedral in the world in its original structure, consecrated as it was in the 7th century. The Cathedral contains the 3rd-century mausoleum for Emperor Diocletian whilst the belltower was a later addition, built in the 13th century. Diocletian’s sarcophagus was destroyed in the 5th century

The 57-metre-tall belltower can be climbed for superb views over Split in all directions including out over the twinkling Adriatic Sea.

The Peristyle with the Cathedral and its Belltower to the left

Temple of Jupiter

By the entrance of this former temple is another 3,500-year-old Egyptian sphynx, this one being headless. The Temple itself was converted into a Baptistry dedicated to St John the Baptist in the 6th century. The Temple contains sarcophagi with the remains of Ivan of Ravenna and Lovre, both Archbishops of Split in the 11th century. You will also find a bronze statue of St John the Baptist created by famed Croatian sculptor Ivan Mestrovic.

The Peristyle

The Peristyle is a remarkable open-air square which would have been the main square of the Palace even way back when. Consider this as you sip on a relaxing coffee on the stone steps whilst admiring the view. The Peristyle is also home to a 3,500-year-old Egyptian sphynx.

The Vestibule

The inside of the vestibule is circular, and you’ll notice the circular open-air top which was once covered by a dome. The vestibule was a hall in the days of the Palace, serving as an entrance to the Palace apartments. These days you come across traditional acapella singers (singing klapa music) who make use of the excellent acoustics in the Vestibule.

Diocletian's Palace - Vestibule


The cellars were originally used as storage areas when the Palace was first built. The importance of the cellars is because they are so well preserved and provide and excellent idea of what the above-ground portion of the Palace would have been like.

Part of the cellar area can be easily visited as you pass through the Brass Gate from the Riva towards the direction of the Vestibule and the Peristyle. You will find numerous little market stalls selling souvenirs and other trinkets.

Access to the rest of the cellars is ticketed (see below).

Opening Hours and Entrance Price

The main Palace area is free to enter at all times of day and night, year-round, and there is no fee to enter, of course!

Parts of the Palace, however, do have an entrance fee and particular opening times.

All parts of the Cathedral, including the Belltower, require tickets to enter.

Part of the cellars that are ticketed are open 8.30am – 8pm (summer hours, April to October) or 9am to 5pm (winter hours, November to March). Tickets cost €8 for adults and €6 for children aged 7 to 14, seniors (aged 65 and over) and students with ID. Children aged 6 and under can enter for free. You can buy tickets at the ticket booth in the Palace or on the Museum of the City of Split website.

Other Ways of Seeing and Enjoying Diocletian’s Palace

If you’d like to step back in time – virtually – and see for yourself what Diocletian’s Palace would have been like all those many centuries ago, head to the Diocletian’s Dream experience. Don a VR headset and immerse yourself in Split life in the year 305.

There are numerous walking tours of the Diocletian’s Palace area that you can join; led by knowledgeable guides, the tours will really give you an expansive information base from which to learn all about the Emperor and his retirement home. Take a look at some of the tours below:

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More info

You can read more about the Palace on the Split Tourist Board website.

Brasserie on 7

Brasserie on 7 in Split Reveals Special Spring Menu

Split‘s acclaimed Brasserie on 7 restaurant has recently launched a Spring Specials menu featuring some special deals that are sure to tempt many of you to its doors on a future visit to Croatia.

Brasserie on 7
(Credit: Brasserie on 7)

Their All-Day Brunch offer includes freshly brewed coffee or tea paired with one of three breakfast choices – French toast, Eggs Benedict or Acai Bowl – for just 60 Kunas. If you’re eating out a little later in the day, there’s the B7 Lunch Special: a choice of main (either a burger, seafood risotto or chickpea salad), served with a complimentary glass of wine or beer, for just 100 Kunas.

Brasserie on 7 Breakfast
Eggs benedict (Credit: Brasserie on 7)
Brasserie on 7 Lunch
Seafood risotto (Credit: Brasserie on 7)

If you want to treat yourself to something sweet as well, Brasserie on 7 has a delicious patisserie menu to choose from – including their signature B7 cheesecake, gluten-free chocolate fudge cake or carrot cake.

Brasserie on 7 also recently announced the appointment of French-American Alexandre Ange as Executive Chef. Alex is classically trained in French cuisine and, having started his career in New York, has spent the last 12 years working at some of the top restaurants in both France and the U.S. including L’Atelier in Paris, run by Joel Robuchon – holder of the most Michelin stars in the world. He has subsequently worked with some of the world’s best chefs, including Thomas Keller and Philippe Tessier at The French Laundry in California’s Napa Valley, Joshua Skenes at Saison in San Francisco, Daniel Boulud at Restaurant Daniel in New York, as well as Marcus Samuelsson.

Brasserie on 7
(Credit: Brasserie on 7)

Alex has now made the move to Split, together with his family, and has an exciting vision on how to expand and improve on the imaginative and innovative menu that B7 is already famous for. Alex will be introducing subtle changes to the menu, whilst also using the very best produce Croatia has to offer.

Alex says:

“I strongly believe in using local ingredients and supporting Dalmatian producers. My vision is to bring our guests an exceptional and memorable dining experience by introducing a renovative food menu that satisfies the taste bud of local and international guests”.

Brasserie on 7 is owned by business power-duo Korana Bucic and Maria Mustapic. Both born and raised in Australia, they returned to Croatia in 2006 and opened the first registered hostel in Split. They then opened a second hostel, Charlie’s Backpacker’s Bar, Zinfandel Food & Wine and then Brasserie on 7 in its prime Riva location in 2014.

Maria says:

After such a tough 2020 for the tourism and hospitality industry, I am thrilled to welcome Alex as our new Executive Chef. Sparked with passion for Mediterranean cuisine, we are absolutely delighted that Alex is joining our team, thus helping to further develop our culinary story!

Korana continues:

“Our goal, as always, is to provide a memorable dining experience for each and every one of our guests. And with the addition of Alex, I am confident that Brasserie will reach new heights”

B7 Split
(Credit: Brasserie on 7)

Brasserie on 7 often takes part in community and humanitarian efforts in Split and the rest of Croatia. During the covid pandemic, both the Brasserie on 7 and Zinfandel restaurants cooked for local health workers. The restaurants also recently joined 300 volunteer chefs in cooking for the citizens of Petrinije, who were affected by the destructive earthquake there in December 2020.

Presently, Brasserie on 7 is open daily from 8am to 6pm (kitchen closes at 4pm).

Brasserie on 7
Obala Hrvatskog Narodnog Preporoda 7
Split 21000

Dubrovnik to Split

Dubrovnik to Split…and back! Updated for 2020

One of our more frequently visited posts on our blog is our guide on Getting from Split to Dubrovnik…and Dubrovnik to Split! As it’s been a few years since we wrote it, we thought we would revisit the information and update it for 2020.

This is one of the most frequently travelled routes by visitors to Croatia, so we hope you find this information useful!

Dubrovnik to Split - Updated for 2020

Dubrovnik to Split by catamaran

There are three catamaran services running from Dubrovnik to Split in summer, operated by two different companies.

Kapetan Luka run two of these services, both of which sail daily. Perhaps the one that travellers might find most useful is the catamaran that sails Dubrovnik – Pomena (island Mljet) – Korcula Town – Hvar Town – Milna (island of Brac) – this service starts running for the year from early April, and operates daily right through to the end of October. The catamaran departs Dubrovnik at 4.30pm, arriving in Split at 8.55pm – meaning, sailing time is 4 hours and 25 minutes.

Kapetan Luka‘s other catamaran sails Dubrovnik – Sobra (island of Mljet) – Korcula Town – Makarska – Bol (island of Brac) – Split. This one runs daily from the end of May through to the end of October. This catamaran departs Dubrovnik at 4pm, arriving in Split at 8.45pm – sailing time is 4 hours and 15 minutes.

You can book the Kapetan Luka catamarans using the search box below:

Jadrolinija also have a catamaran connecting Dubrovnik and Split. Operating daily from early June to mid September, their catamaran stops at Bol on Brac, Hvar Town and Korcula Town en route. Sailing time between Split and Dubrovnik is 5 hours and 15 minutes. This catamaran sails from Split in the mid afternoon (reaching Dubrovnik at 9pm), and sails from Dubrovnik in the early morning (reaching Split at 12.30pm).

The above mentioned services are the only options if you wish to make the journey from Dubrovnik to Split by sea. No other direct catamaran or ferry route exists – and there are definitely no car ferry options.

Island Hopping

You obviously don’t have to go go direct from Dubrovnik to Split if taking a catamaran! The services above mean you can easily spend a night or two (or more) on the islands of Mljet, Korcula, Hvar and/or Brac along the way!

A possible (part) car ferry route

If you did want to make part of the journey by car ferry, the best idea would be to drive up the coast from Dubrovnik towards the top of the Peljesac Peninsula to Orebic. From here, you can get a car ferry onto the island of Korcula. Driving to the western side of the island, you can then get a car ferry from Vela Luka to Split with Jadrolinija. This ferry sails twice a day (only once on Saturdays and Sundays out of season) and takes 2 hours 45 minutes.

If you wanted to include a different island to Korcula, you could instead drive further up the coast to Drvenik and then get a ferry across to Sucuraj on the island of Hvar. You would then need to drive across the island to Stari Grad to get another ferry up to Split.

Alternatively, you could drive even further up the coast to Makarska and then get a ferry to Sumartin on the island of Brac. Either return back to Makarska to continue your drive to Split, or drive across Brac to Supetar to get another car ferry to Split.

All of these car ferry routes are run by Jadrolinija.

Island hopping with a car is pretty much out of the question – few car ferry routes exist that travel from island to island. So you’re really only be able to visit one island before sailing up to Split.

Dubrovnik’s Old Town Harbour

Dubrovnik to Split by Bus

Those not taking the catamaran option for travelling between to two cities will likely instead by travelling by bus. There are plenty of buses travelling on this route every day, year-round – so it’s an easy journey to make indeed.

Journey time is about 4 to 4.5 hours (longer during peak summer season when the roads are busy) and a one-way ticket costs in the region of 90 to 140 Kunas, depending on which bus you take.

You can look up bus times and ticket prices (and book tickets) on the website.

Of course, buses go through the small section of Bosnia & Hercegovina that sits between the two portions of Dalmatia. So keep your passport handy as it will be checked!

Dubrovnik to Split by Air

It is possible to fly between Dubrovnik and Split – however, flights do not operate daily so it’s not the most convenient option.

Operated by Trade Air (and bookable on the Croatia Airlines website), flights operate twice a week. Journey time is 45 minutes.

Narodni trg (People’s Square), also known as Pjaca in Split

Dubrovnik to Split by Road

If you’re hired a car in Croatia, driving up the coast is easy enough. You can either take the scenic coastal road – the Adriatic Highway (or Jadranska magistrala) all the way, but do consider that there will be heavy traffic on this road in the peak summer months.

Alternatively, you can drive up the coastal road to near the town of Ploce. Close to here, you will be able to join the the A1 motorway (this is where it starts/ends) to take it all the way to the Split region. Do be aware that you have to pay a toll for using the motorway – this costs 51 Kunas from Ploce to Split.

Split to Dubrovnik Private Transfer

For those that don’t want to rent a car – but equally don’t want to use public transport – a private transfer can often be the best solution in travelling from Split to Dubrovnik.

Visit Croatia Recommends This door to door private car service is an easy and comfortable way to travel between these two cities. Prices are fixed and very competitive – cheaper, in fact, than a taxi, with prices starting at €210. You can also choose your pickup time and whether you’d like to modify the trip to include stops along the way, making the transfer into an excursion. For a free quote on Dubrovnik to Split transfers contact Octopus Transfers Croatia

Can I go by train?

Five years may have passed since we wrote our original post and in that time…Dubrovnik has not built a train station. (This is a joke – there were no plans to build one!)

So no, you cannot travel from Dubrovnik by train to Split!

Accommodation in Bol

Catamaran direct from Split Airport to Bol

Following on from the launch of a new catamaran service from Split Airport to central Split, this summer has also seen another new service – a catamaran direct from Split Airport to Bol on the island of Brac, and to Stari Grad on Hvar.

Split Airport to Bol catamaran
Bol on the island of Brac

This service, run by SplitExpress, actually started operating on 1st June this year. However, for those of you yet to travel to Croatia this summer, we’re sure this is still welcome news, even now!

This catamaran service will prove very, very useful for anyone wishing to travel direct from Split Airport to the island of Brac and Hvar.


There are four sailings a day from Split Airport to Bol at 10am (arrives 11.25am), 1pm (arr. 2.05pm), 4.20pm (arr. 5.25pm) and and at 8.50pm (arr. 10.15pm). The first and last sailing also stop at Split along the way (arrival time in Split is 15 minutes after departure from the port near Split Airport).

Additionally, the 1pm sailing from Split Airport travels on to Stari Grad on the island of Hvar, reaching it 2.50pm.

See the full timetable below:

Split Airport to Bol - SplitExpress catamaran outbound
Split Airport to Bol - SplitExpress catamaran inbound

Note: where two times are listed in one box, the first time means the arrival time and the second the departure time. For example, the 10am service arrives at Split at 10.15am, then departs at 10.30am to travel on to Bol, arriving there are 11.25am.

The timetable can also be found here.

Ticket prices

All tickets for the SplitExpress catamaran can be booked as one of three types – Lowfare, Lowfareplus or Flexplus. Lowfare is the cheapest option (understandably) and cannot be refunded or changed. Lowfareplus tickets cannot be refunded, although the departure can be changed (subject to availability). Finally, Flexplus tickets – as you may have guessed – are both refundable or can also be changed to another journey.

From Split Airport to Bol or Stari Grad, it costs 199 Kn (lowfare), 229 Kn (lowfareplus) or 299 Kn (flexplus).

Travelling from Split Airport to Split, costs 50 Kn (lowfare), 129 Kn (lowfareplus), or 199 Kn (flexplus).

From Split to Bol, it costs 99 Kn (lowfare), 129 Kn (lowfareplus), or 199 Kn (flexplus).

For Bol to Stari Grad, it costs 79 Kn (lowfare), 109 Kn (lowfareplus), 169 Kn (flexplus).

Prices are the same for adults and for children aged 2 and over. Children under 2 years of age travel free.

Tickets can be booked online.

Enjoy travelling from Split Airport this summer!

Split Airport Catamaran

New option for transferring from Split Airport – catamaran!

Updated 28/08/19: Unfortunately, this service has stopped operation as of 20th August, despite the intention for it to run until the end of October. If you would like to transfer from the airport to Split via catamaran, there is this option which sails a couple of times a day from Split Airport to Split (as well as to Bol on Brac and Stari Grad on Hvar). Otherwise, there are regular airport transport buses. See our page on Getting to and from Split Airport for more details.

Although it’s always been relatively straightforward to transfer from Split Airport over the years (the airport transfer buses are certainly cheap, pretty quick and quite hassle-free), 2019 offers a new method of transport on this route. You’ll soon be able to transfer from Split Airport – or rather, the port close to it – to downtown Split by catamaran in only 20 minutes!

Split Airport Catamaran
You could be in Split in just 20 minutes!

Starting on the 1st May this year, this Split Airport catamaran line – named Split Express – will operate eight times a day throughout that month (and throughout October too). From 1st June until 30th September, the catamaran will increase its frequency, operating ten times a day. You can see details of the sailings below:

Split Airport Catamaran - May and October
Source: Agencija za obalni linijski pomorski promet
Split Airport Catamaran - June to September
Source: Agencija za obalni linijski pomorski promet

Catamarans operate from the main port in Split and from the port in Kastel Stafilic, very close to Split Airport.

Journey time is only 20 minutes which of course is quicker than the bus. Another advantage is that Split Airport catamaran will take you right to the port in Split. (Although of course the bus station is right by the port as well, so it’s not too far to walk to catch a ferry or catamaran on somewhere else even if you take a transfer bus.)

The Split Express will be run by Split-based company Catamaran Line, and each catamaran will have a capacity for 150 passengers.

A one-way ticket will cost 99 Kunas (children 7 and under travel free), and can be purchased online from Catamaran Line or at the Riva Travel agency (Obala Lazareta 3) just off the Riva in Split.

By comparison, the airport transfer bus costs 40 Kuna. So the catamaran is more expensive but the journey time is less – and it’s certainly a more ‘exciting’ way of travelling in to the city.

This new Split Airport catamaran is a great addition to the summer season, and we have no doubt that it will help many travellers.

Happy transferring!

Reader’s Trip Report: Croatia – The Thousand Island Wonderland

We were recently contacted by one of our readers, Anju from New Delhi, who visited Croatia in May 2017 with her family and who wanted to share her experiences of the country. Anju covered a good amount of ground in Croatia, visiting Zagreb, the Plitvice Lakes National Park, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik.

Check out her fantastically detailed trip report – which she has excellently titled ‘Croatia – The Thousand Island Wonderland’ – below!

Why choose Croatia?

A narrow strip of land tucked away in one corner of the European mainland and a cluster of small islands littered along the Adriatic Sea is hardly likely to catch your attention on the World map but a trip to the beautiful country is sure to make you reminisce your trip with fondness forever. If you love the Sun and beach combo, then a trip to Croatia can be the vacation of your dreams. There are thousands of islands all over, each one more enchanting than the other.

We went to Croatia all the way from New Delhi, India, changing flights from Frankfurt on a Croatian Airlines Boeing to Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Dinaric Alps

Your vacation starts the moment you board this plane. One can get a beautiful birds eye view of the Dinaric Alps with their snow laden peaks.

Arriving in Zagreb

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Zagreb AirportThe moment the plane lands in Zagreb, one can’t help but notice that the airport barely looks like an airport from any other mainstream metropolis. I mean not in terms of infrastructure but the human activity around reiterating the fact that this is a sparsely populated country with a total population of 4.2 million.

Zagreb reminds me of Berlin, it’s a city that has to be experienced and not just seen. So, if you have time on hand, spend a couple of days in this vibrant city. The entire city is well connected with trams. The Upper Town can easily be accessed by a funicular with the journey lasting barely 5 mins. The Upper Town houses St. Marks Church, a Gothic-style structure which stands out with its impressive colourful coat of Arms of Croatia on its rooftop.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - ZagrebOne can do a conducted walking tour to get a better understanding of the history of this place. Coming down from the upper town, one can see a variety of cafes and eateries lining on both sides of the street, the name of which I find hard to remember. It is a pedestrian-friendly area with no dearth of places to sit and munch and watch the crowds go by.

While at the marketplace, an interesting observation I make is that most prominent American/European brands for food chains, clothes, shoes and bags are conspicuous by their absence. Croatia is a small country totally self-reliant on indigenous industry. So, we stop looking for known places to eat and decide to grub on the local cuisine which is heavenly in terms of taste and cheaper in terms of price!

If you’re planning to travel to other parts of Croatia as well, then roadways are your best bet. The journey is comfortable, buses are cheap and ply on time and icing on the cake is the scenic views that you start to get throughout the countryside especially as you approach the sea.

That’s exactly we intend to do. Our next destination is Plitvice. After a comfortable bus journey of around 2 hours, we reach Plitvice.

Plitvice Lakes National Park

Plitvice National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site spread over 295 sq kms. In the vicinity of the park are many beautiful small villages with accommodation facility for tourists. We stayed in a spacious apartment in Mukinje.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Mukinje Apartment

Slight uphill to our beautiful apartment….

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Mukinje

The quaint village of Mukinje!

The weather man had predicted heavy rain the following day, so we decide to set off for the parks the same day. Around 12 noon, we set out for the lakes. The park has many trails that will take you to different parts of the park, so pick one trail and stick to it. The best way to start your journey is from the upper lakes. After some inquiry from the Information office, we opt for Trail H and head straight for the train. After getting off at the next train station, we look around for Trail H and set forth. The trail is 8.9 kms long and is moderately tough. There are other trails also each one laid out on a different route and with varying degrees of difficult terrain.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Plitvice Lake paths

First look of the winding wooden paths….lots more to come!

We are greeted with small waterfalls emerging from everywhere, from behind the bushes and rocks. A sturdy wooden path takes us over a wide lake which is home to a large variety of fish. The path winds further into the park and over a very fast gushing waterfall. We keep on walking on the designated trail and keep soaking in the beauty of this wonder of nature. Every possible variety of waterfall is visible here, small, medium, large, noisy and silent ones, high and low, flowing into the lake and from the lake.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Plitvice Lakes waterfall

A waterfall at every nook and corner!

The walking trail leads us to the ferry point. The ferry takes us to the other side of the park in continuation of the journey. Ferry and train tickets are included in the entrance ticket to the park. The ferry drops us off at the lower lakes. The scenery is still bewitching but the waterfalls look different. Towards the end of the trail is the signage for the ‘Big waterfall’.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Plitvice Lake Big Waterfall

The bewitching ‘Big Waterfall’

If you have the energy to walk an extra couple of kilometres then don’t miss this one, if you do miss it then the only consolation is that the huge cascading waters of the fall are visible in all their glory from the main trail too. So, our trek to the park ends with a welcome ride back to the main station. This long arduous day in the park doesn’t tire one out, so wonder nature is therapeutic!

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Plitvice Lake waterfalls

Waterfalls galore!

We bought a 2-day ticket to the park, so we decide to venture out into the park again. I notice for the first time that the waterfalls are visible from the main road leading to the park. This time we take a different trail. It starts from the main entrance leading up to the water front. Equally beautiful with a different view of the waterfalls.

Plitvice National Park is picture perfect, its magnificent beauty comparable perhaps to the Garden of Eden itself.

On to the coast and Zadar

We pack our bags for the third destination in our itinerary. Zadar. Early morning next day we take the bus from Plitvice to Zadar. The journey is only 1 hour 30 minutes and the scenery en route is breathtakingly beautiful.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Plitvice to Zadar bus

From Plitvice to Zadar by bus

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - ZadarZadar is a seaside town with most of all tourist activities happening along the sea coast with the most popular among them being the Sea organ. We approach the sea coast from the old town square. Lined with loads of eateries and small shops, the paved narrow streets have something to catch your attention at every step. Trinkets, souvenirs, clothes et al on both sides beckon tourists. These narrow streets lead to an open courtyard with a tower, some historical monuments and a picturesque view of the sea. There are cathedrals and churches aplenty if you have an eye and ear for history.

The highlight of this outing is the Sea Organ. Huge metallic pipes have been installed under the sea along the sea shore. As water strikes against these wind pipes, a sound of mouth organ emanates out of nowhere. One can sit here for hours on end and listen to this melodious syncing motion of water. ‘Greeting to the Sun’ next to the sea organ right on the sea front is equally intriguing.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Zadar Greeting to the SunThis is the most popular hub for tourists at Zadar and rightly so. As dusk approaches, the waves become higher and the sound from the sea organ increases. The day closes with a spectacular sun set.

If you have time just hang around a bit late till the crowds dissipate. You will be able to hear the sea organ more clearly. An overnight stay is enough in Zadar unless you want to come back to the Sea organ next day too. We’re tempted to do the same but we have our bookings in place for our next halt in Split.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Zadar sunset

Awe inspiring sunset!

Down the coast to Split

The most talked about attraction in Split is the 4th century Diocletian Palace. The massive structure of the bishop Gregory of Nin right at the entrance to the palace sets the tone for your outing. It’s huge and very impressive. Touching the toe of Nin is believed to bring good luck, so tourists visiting the palace line up in front of the statue to rub its toe.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Gregory of Nin in Split

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Gregory of Nin's toe in Split

The palace is in ruins yet impressive. There are loads of eateries and shops in every nook and corner, the palace has also been converted into a hotel in some parts. Its lively and buzzing with activity. Inside is also the Cathedral of St Domnius housing the crypt and the Temple of Jupiter. My word of advice, just peep into the temple, don’t buy the ticket, the temple is small, only as far as the eye can see from outside. The Diocletian Palace can easily be a full day outing with the last leg of the day at the sea front. We had dinner at Café Fife just along the sea shore, the taste of their fish delicacy is still making me salivate. Total value for money!

We are fast approaching the end of our journey with our last destination being Dubrovnik. We’ve allocated four days to this city called the ‘Pearl of the Adriatic’. The scenic route on the entire stretch from Split to Dubrovnik can actually make one envious of the people who reside here. Adriatic Sea has been almost ‘customized’ to suit their requirements, there are play areas for children, lounge chairs for elderly, all kinds of boats, personal swimming areas. Every nook and corner of the sea is being put to good use but the water is really clean.

Ending the trip in Dubrovnik

The moment we set foot in Dubrovnik, the touristy air of the place hits us. The air is moist and warm, there are people swarming everywhere and the town is buzzing with activity. We move into a beautiful apartment just facing the sea. Anything less than that would be a shame. The city is enlisted in UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites and is every bit so.

The old city is a walled city overlooking the sea surrounded by a thick wall and an old harbour. A walk on this wall is a Must-do attraction. It has refreshing views of the sea. If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, then you will be able to identify some familiar sites along the wall too.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Dubrovnik view

View from the top of the city wall

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Dubrovnik Lovrijenac Fortress

Can you make out where does this feature in Game of Thrones?

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Dubrovnik off StradunOne can easily spend at least 2 days just wandering and idling around in the old city soaking in the history or just doing some monument gazing. ‘Stradun’ or the main street can be fun both during the day and at night. It’s always crowded with tourists and connects the entire old city with lanes and by-lanes. Scores of shops and restaurants are lined up all along that serve local Croatian fish delicacies apart from conventional cuisines. Absolutely not-to-miss!

Dubrovnik has a lot of islands all around that are a favourite spot for snorkelers and water enthusiasts. We took a one day cruise to Elaphiti Islands. This island-hopping cruise offers beautiful views of the sea and a lot of opportunity for water sport since the sea is so calm. A word of advice for my fellow Indian tourists though, take this cruise only if you really want to splash around in the water otherwise your day trip can be dull because the scenery is pretty much the same.

The highlight of the cruise is the sea gull feeding done by the crew as they hold our little leftover grubs of food for the sea gulls to devour. Out of nowhere the sea gulls flock to grab-a-bite. There is suddenly so much activity with all cameras going into a frenzy to catch that moment. Amazing!

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Lokrum panoramic view

Panoramic view of the sea from the edge of the cliff in Lokrum Island

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Lokrum peacock

Posing for the perfect picture

Yet another beautiful island that can be explored is ‘Lokrum’. The main attraction is the free-moving peacocks and bunnies all over the island. The birds are so used to having humans around that they actually stay perched on the rocks while everyone is clicking their pictures.

Croatia - The Thousand Island Wonderland - Game of Thrones throneThe island also has a monastery and a small salt-lake aptly called ‘Dead Sea’. Both locals and tourists throng to this lake to soak in the sun and splash around in this lake that is absolutely calm hence the name. The iconic ‘Iron Throne’ from ‘Game of Thrones’ is housed here in the museum, you can take pictures with yourself on the throne.

If you walk all the way to the end of the island to a rocky cliff then you can get some mesmerising views of the sea.

Our Croatian vacation is all set to wrap up as we prepare to take a flight from Dubrovnik to Munich and back home. But this Croatia trip will be etched in my mind forever. The few things that stand out for me is the pristine beauty of this small country, the absolutely delicious local cuisine comprising of local fish variety and the warmth that people show towards tourists in general. After all it’s the people of the land that make all the difference!

Anju Chandna
New Delhi, India

Say hello to the Edinburgh Scouts completing the Explorer Belt Challenge in Croatia!

We were recently contacted by Craig from the Edinburgh Scouts, who is part of a group currently undertaking the Explorer Belt Challenge in Croatia.

The Explorer Belt is a Scouts challenge that involves travelling through a country for ten days while also completing different tasks along the way to get the know the country better. Craig and his group chose Croatia for their adventure, which means they’ve been walking from Zadar to Split. (Wow!)

Scouts Explorer Belt Challenge in Croatia

So far, the challenges they’ve completed in Croatia have been to do with learning more about Croatian culture and the country’s landscape. They’ve walked a mind-boggling 190km so far, including visiting the Biranj and Birnjac hills in Kastela, and Krka National Park. They’ve also had to carry all their kit – weighing 20kg – on their backs and are only allowed to spend 80 Kunas each a day.

Scouts Explorer Belt Challenge in Croatia

Craig’s group have also been eating and learning about local produce so have spent some time at a local vineyard, as well as at an olive oil producer. Other challenges they’ve undertaken have included a beach clean (no doubt a great help to Croatia!), as well as meeting with local fireman to discuss their jobs, and learn more about the problems they face with forest fires. They’ve also conversed with as many Croats as possible to help with their research on how tourism has affected the coastal area of Croatia.

You can see photos of some of their adventures in this post.

Scouts Explorer Belt Challenge in Croatia

We’re sending a big hello to Craig and his group companion Alice, and wish them all the very best on their challenge!

UberBOAT now available in Croatia for transfers & day tours

You’ve probably used Uber in your home city or when travelling abroad – and in fact it’s also available in several Croatian towns and cities. But what do you do when you want a private transfer on the Adriatic Sea?

Easy – Uber + boat = UberBOAT!

uberBOAT sailing

UberBOAT is a service that’s available in Split, Dubrovnik and the island of Hvar, and can be utilised with the existing Uber app. With UberBOAT you can transfer to a destination and back, for a half-day or full-day trip that you can plan out yourself. That means that you can easily visit some of the local islands that you may otherwise find tricky to reach – especially useful if you only have a short amount of time for exploring.

Private Tours with UberBOAT

For example, from Split you could visit all the delights of the islands of Hvar, Solta, Vis, Bisevo (and the famous Blue Cave), and Brac, including the popular town of Bol with its famous Zlatni Rat beach.

From Dubrovnik you may be thinking of visiting the tranquil Elafiti islands, the lush island of Mljet, Korcula or perhaps even off-the-beaten track Lastovo.

The captain of an UberBoat stays with the passengers for as long as they want. That means there’s plenty of time to visit the islands, do a bit of sightseeing, the sampling of local cuisine and even a bit of time to buy some island souvenirs.

uberBOAT captain

UberBoat fares depend on boat size, mileage and duration of the trip. An eight-passenger speedboat starts at 330 Kunas, with each additional kilometre costing 29 Kunas and each minute costing 2.60 Kunas. A larger boat costs from 660 Kunas and 36 Kunas per kilometer and 3.30 Kunas per minute.

uberBOAT dropoff

Private transfers with UberBOAT

UberBOAT also offer a simple and fast transfer to a destination and back. For example, a transfer from Split to Hvar costs 2,600 Kunas for an eight-person speedboat, or 3,300 Kunas for a 12-person speedboat (UberBoat XL). Split to Bol costs 2,100 Kunas (2,800 for UberBoat XL), Dubrovnik to Mljet is 3,820 Kunas (4,600 Kunas for UberBoat XL), whilst Dubrovnik to Korcula is 5,000 Kunas (6,000 Kunas for UberBoat XL).

UberBOAT app

All Uber captains have valid licenses and are exceedingly familiar with the Croatian coastline, so any trip is very safe as well as lots of fun!

To get a feel for the service, check out this video on travelling in style:

More on UberBOAT

For more details, check out But if you need a boat, simply open up the Uber app and get tapping to ‘hail’ a boat!

New catamaran route in Croatia for 2017!

Some exciting news about another new catamaran route in Croatia for 2017 – one that we’re sure will benefit many visitors to the country.

This new catamaran route will hop between the mainland and some of Croatia’s most popular islands, connecting Split, Bol on the island of Brac, Makarska, KorculaMljet and Dubrovnik.

The service is being run by Kapetan Luka, who already also run a popular route connecting Split with Milna on Brac, Hvar Town on Hvar, Korcula, Mljet and Dubrovnik.

This new service will commence sailing on Monday 12th June 2017, running daily until Sunday 17th September 2017. The timetable of the new service is as below:

New catamaran connections and day trips

This new route brings up some exciting new sea connections. In particular, Makarska is now connected by sea to the prime spots of Bol, Korcula, Mljet and Dubrovnik. And to Split as well, of course, although as it’s only an hour or so down the road, it’s already easily reachable from Croatia’s second city! (Makarska does already have a car ferry to Sumartin on the eastern side of the island of Brac.)

This catamaran also sets up some opportunities for day trips not previously possible by public ferry. A day trip from Split to Bol is now possible; you’ll certainly get a full day in Bol, and be able to experience the delights of Zlatni Rat, one of Croatia’s most famous beaches. And from Makarska, you can also consider a day trip to Korcula or Mljet. (Dubrovnik is a little too far, and you’d only get four hours there!).

Online ticket booking

Tickets can be booked on Kapetan Luka’s booking website. We’d certainly recommend pre-booking tickets in advance, as we’re sure this route will be popular.

As a catamaran, this is obviously a foot-passenger only boat. No cars can sail on this route!

Other catamaran and ferry routes

Of course, there already are plenty of other routes running off the Croatian coast. Two other popular services – both of which have also started running in recent years – connect Split and Dubrovnik and stop at Brac (Milna or Bol), Hvar, Korcula and Mljet along the way.

For more details about these routes, and for other sailings, see our Ferries in Croatia section.

Happy catamaran travelling!